PlanShare is a web based solution that enables Local Authorities to share application documents and other information electronically online with applicants, agents, inspectors, consultees, site managers and partner or fire authorities and more. PlanShare is situated within DataSpace Live, our online system used by authorities to accept, process and approve applications.
Local Authorities can share application documents with individual or groups of consultees to review and comment on applications in DataSpace Live, facilitating a shared consultation environment that is dynamic, secure and feature rich. Consultees do not require any new software but simply receive an email notification which links them to the application online.
As a web based solution, PlanShare allows flexible working and consultation where applications can be accessed at any time and from any location, facilitating home and site working. PlanShare is a great solution to the increasing need of authorities to externalize plan and structural checking activities to outside providers and is designed with functionality to preserve the confidentiality of sensitive information.

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Commenting Tools
Comments can be added to documents or as general comments and once a comment is posted, the local authority and other consultees are notified by email. Comments and responses can be viewed by all but not edited, enabling an incremental iterative approach to consultations - resolving conflicting views between consultees as part of a dynamic consultation process and providing an audit trail. A filter tool enables you to view a list of specific types of comments.
To talk to us about PlanShare or request a live online demo...
Contact us on 01242 260505 or email
You can also watch a video demo here:
PlanShare Demo