Building Control Solutions try out our new PO Box address for
Paper Application Scanning.
Recently the Building Control Solutions partnership has been working to consolidate the applications and administration of their three separate team sites as a means of ensuring the utmost efficiency of their partnership’s performance. Their first step was trying to increase the number of applications submitted to them electronically, with the apps of all three teams deposited into the same DSLive account for processing, reassigning and approval and also accessible online to all surveyors across the partnership.
Bound to still receive some paper applications however their latest step is to try out our Scanning Bureau’s new PO Box address.
Building Control have been using our 'Scan-on-Demand' service whereby they send any paper applications they receive by DX post or courier to our specialist Resolution Scanning Bureau where we then scan and upload them to their DSLive account either by the same day or guaranteed next day. With a reputation for great quality at a very reasonable cost our scanning service is a much more economical and popular option for authorities than scanning their applications themselves.
With our new PO Box address things are now even quicker and simpler! Authorities can simply put our PO Box address on their PDF application forms and website so applicants and agents can send their paper applications directly to us at our Scanning Bureau, meaning authorities no longer have to wait for paper applications to arrive at their office before sending them on to us, missing out an entire step in an already highly efficient scanning service.
With the paper applications they receive being scanned and uploaded to DSLive alongside their electronically submitted ones, Building Control Solutions move ever closer to having all their partnership applications in one place and consolidating the admininstration of their three teams, improving their partnership's overall efficiency.
For more information about our PO Box service please do get in touch at the contact details below or for more information about the full range of scanning, archiving and file conversion services we offer visit our Scanning Bureau page here>