DSLive Inspections Module and App
The DSLive Inspections Module is comprised of a cutting-edge mobile and tablet Inspections App for carrying out inspections both online or offline while out on site and an Inspections Tab in DSLive where Local Authorities can schedule, manage, assign, sign-off and report on inspections.
Using our brand new Inspections App, inspection reports no longer need to be typed-up or scanned into a computer, but can be completed quickly and easily on the App and uploaded straight to the application in DSLive. The App enables you to take photos, post comments, add conditions check plans and all of this can be done offline. Working offline the App provides a much needed solution for those authorities whose site inspections are situated in remote or rural locations without internet access. The moment the Officer returns to cabled, wifi, 3G or 4G connection, the completed inspection can be uploaded to DSLive.
In your DSLive Inspections Tab, authorities are able to receive inspection requests, schedule visits on a shared calendar, define inspection regimes, assign an Officer and view all inspections on Google Maps, enabling them to plan and calculate the most efficient working or travelling route between visits. DSLive reporting means you can monitor the inspections visits coming into your department by creating inspections reports, which PlanShare will then enable you to easily share the results.