DataSpace-Live for Building Control is a modular web based package consisting of Submit-a-Plan, DataSpace Live, PlanShare and My Virtual Mail Room that enables Local Authorities to receive, view, approve, download and consult on Building Control applications online.
DSLive also features full membership of the LABC Submit-a-Plan Building Control Portal with all online applications automatically appearing in DSLive ready for processing and approval.
DataSpace Live (DSLive) for Building Control is a modular web based package consisting of Submit-a-Plan, DataSpace Live, PlanShare and My Virtual Mail Room that enables Local Authorities to receive, view, approve, download and consult on Building Control applications online.
DSLive also features full membership of the Submit-a-Plan Building Control Portal with all online applications automatically appearing in DSLive ready for processing.
About DSLive
DataSpace Live (DSLive) for Building Control is a modular web based package consisting of Submit-a-Plan, DataSpace Live, PlanShare and My Virtual Mail Room that enables Local Authorities to receive, view, approve, download and consult on Building Control applications online.
DSLive also features full membership of the Submit-a-Plan Building Control Portal with all online applications automatically appearing in DSLive ready for processing.
Submit-a-Plan Applications
Featuring full membership of the LABC Submit-a-Plan Building Control Portal all online applications automatically appear in DSLive for processing while any paper applications can also be uploaded using our specialistMy Virtual Mail Room application scanning service.
All applicants are provided with an online account where a historic record of all part and completed applications are stored. Applicants can even amend their applications after submission by adding new and revised drawings and can track live status updates of their applications. A major benefit for applicants using the Submit-a-Plan National Portal over in-house developed systems is that applicants have a single login, standard forms and the same interface for every Local Authority, making the application process that much quicker and simpler.
Our Submit-a-PlanClient Portalboasts an extensive list of features all aimed at ultimately improving the application process, customer service and the provision of information for clients and home owners.
Application Processing & Approval
DataSpace Live provides all the tools and functionality needed for a Local Authority to process applications received electronically through Submit-a-Plan, enabling Local Authorities to view, download, print, assess and approve applications all through a web browser from any location with internet access.
DSLive features powerful document viewing tools and supports 250+ file formats enabling fast and simple viewing of native file formats. Specific functionality is provided to deal with plans such as calibration, measuring and printing to scale.
With a built in map interface and diary, DataSpace Live pinpoints work locations and helps plan activities. Application details can be easily shared with third party software such as council back office systems with the DataSpace Live ‘Quick Fill’ tool.
DataSpace-Live Office - our advanced account
Now available through Crown Commercial Services G-Cloud
DataSpace Office Live is the most advanced of our local authority accounts. It comprises all the core tools and functionality for receiving and processing applications submitted electronically through Submit-a-Plan as well all our specialist modules for assessing and approving them online in DataSpace Live. With 'DataSpace Office' you'll be able to manage and carry out all your inspection, consultation and plan-checking tasks in one place as well as sharing folders of application documents and other information with consultees or other contacts straight from DSLive itself. Office can also assist with all your administrative and management needs, with the ability to define application workflows through your department(s), create and share approval certificates and other documents and create reports.
Resolution Data Management have now been awarded a place on the Crown Commercial Services G-Cloud 12 agreement for the supply of DataSpace-Live Office.Buying services through frameworks is faster and cheaper than entering into individual procurement contracts.Find out more on our DataSpace-Live Office section.
Flexible & Partnership Working
DSLive provides Local Authorities with flexible working as standard. Because DSLive is web based and operates from the Cloud, applications, inspections and consultations can be accessed at any time and from any location, facilitating home and site working. DSLive is also compatible with a range of phone and tablet devices.
DSLive also offers a range of partnership configurations to assist building control partnerships. Whether two or four or more, our DSLive Partnership Configurations can assist you in receiving, managing and approving your applications online for all of your departments.
The Easy and Low Cost Solution
DSLive modules are hosted by us here at Resolution they do not require any onsite installation or provision of expensive servers for authorities. The intuitive design of our solutions also enables training to be kept to a minimun, helping to keep the costs low. DSLive is continuously updated online ensuring that users are always running on the latest version, thus removing the need for costly onsite upgrades.
Web Based Solution
No Software To Install
Full Submit-a-Plan Membership
Application Processing
Live Pre-Application Partner Consultation
Multi Format Viewer With Measurement Tools
Built In Map Interface
Quick Fill
Electronic Delivery Of Paper Applications
Submit-a-Plan Key Benefits
Quick To Implement
Provides Applicants With Online Application Service
Simple To Use
Reduces The Need To Print Electronically Submitted Applications
Enables Flexible Working
Faster Communication With Partners
Saves Local Authorities Money
Helps Reduce CO2 Emissions