‘Building Control Solutions’ increase their Submit-a-Plan Applications with just a few simple changes to their building control website!


Submit-a-Plan and DSLive are designed to offer a complete and advanced electronic online solution that not only improves the efficiency of application submission and approval, but also the overall efficiency of how Building Control departments operate. Integral to this is electronic applications submitted online. If you are already receiving electronic applications through the Submit-a-Plan portal you are already off to a good start, but do all of your customers know about the service or know that it is your ‘preferred’ method of application?
‘Building Control Solutions’ (Wokingham, West Berks, Windsor & Maidenhead), recently improved the way in which they promote electronic submission via Submit-a-Plan on their website and these few simple adjustments have seen the number of their electronically submitted applications increase by approximately 30% already, and so improving efficiency for their department. Congrats guys!
To achieve this they simply added some clear instructions for using Submit-a-Plan under their ‘Apply for Building Control’ page while the ‘Submit Building Regulations’ tab on their menu has itself now become a direct link to the Submit-a-Plan home page, taking their clients straight to the correct place to begin their application.
If you’d like some quick tips on adjusting your own building control webpages, why not download our 'Submit-a-Plan Marketing Resource'. The marketing resource provides guidance on some simple steps your Authority can follow to promote electronic submission through Submit-a-Plan. The resource comes with a main document guide-sheet that can be downloaded at the link below as well as our Submit-a-Plan logos and graphics, web-text, applicant brochures. If you have any trouble downloading these materials from the link below, you can simply ask us to email all the materials to you.
We'll be on hand to help if you need us or if you'd just like a chat about following the steps in this resource, please feel free to get in touch at the details below.

Submit-a-Plan Marketing Resource

This marketing resource provides guidance on some simple steps your Authority can follow to promote electronic submission through Submit-a-Plan. The resource comes with a main guide-sheet and Submit-a-Plan logos, web-graphics, web-text, applicant brochures and leaflets for your use which can all be downloaded or requested by email.
Download here>

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